The importance of our traditions

Along with the objective cultural values, like frescoes, treasures and monuments, we Bulgarians have traditions passed down from generation to generation and still preserved. This is actually yet another of the legacies left by our ancestors. Traditions of pas times are showing us how to welcome the good and deal with the evil in our lives. There are customs about what should be on our table for the various holidays that we celebrate. Similarly rituals for weddings, funerals, birth of a child, christening, graduation and many more traditions, left by our ancestors that we remember and still respect. Every nation has its own beliefs and ways of meeting highlights of its life, which is a cultural treasure. A nation that has no popular customs and prominent culture is a nation without moral and value systems. Therefore it is very important for us – Bulgarians to appreciate our history and to preserve our culture in the modern globalized world, as do people like Svetlio Kantardjiev, Kiril Hristoskov and foundations that work to preserve our cultural and historical heritage as „Thrace“ and „Mizia „.
We have preserved our rituals and traditions over the centuries, which mean that we value our past. Now, however, we have the important and significant task to convey the lessons from our grandparents and ancestors to our children and grandchildren, and to teach them that it is treasure, which reminds them who they are and if they lose it – there will be no evidence of their origin. Once we pass them this so-valuable knowledge and they start to love them, they will undoubtedly feel obligated to pass it on to their children and grandchildren. And so this constant circle would make Bulgarian spirit immortal.

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